This is how SciFi Fans are celebrating April Fools day! How about you?
April Fool's day is all about practical jokes and spreading hoaxes. Some people play jokes, some newspaper or magazine often publish fake stories, even some brand run fake Ads of imaginary products! Remember "Google Gnome" Ad from last year?
People love this fun day and find ways to play pranks. Our SciFi fans are no different. Many of The SciFi fans are celebrating this day by making jokes about their favorite SciFi movies and characters. Some are making Jokes about Super hero characters, some are making memes about Star wars characters, some are busy photo-shopping pictures of movie posters.
Here is sneak peak of jokes shared by fans on Twitter from all around the world. Keep scrolling and enjoy. Do share if you like it.
Picture at top shared on twitter by @mrjafri.